
How To Grow Pomegranate From Seeds at Home | Growing Pomegranate In a Pot

Learn how to grow a pomegranate tree from seed at home, as I am doing in Australia. Know the pomegranate growing details of growing pomegranates from seeds taken from grocery store bought fruit. The pomegranate is native to India and has been cultivated in South Asia, Middle East and Mediterranean region since ancient times.

Growing Pomegranate Tree From Seeds>
Growing Pomegranate Tree From Seeds : Seedling

The Scientific name of pomegranate is Punica granatum in the family Lythraceae. It grows best in tropical or warm and temperate climates, although they are extremely cold tolerant down to 10 degrees. It is hardy in USDA hardiness zones 7 through 11. It can grow in regions with cool winters and dry hot summers. The pomegranate is well suited to the climate of south-western Australia.

The pomegranate can be grown from seeds, seedlings and cuttings (how to grow pomegranate from cuttings). Continue reading below to know detailed pomegranate growing guide, stages and tips:

The pomegranate is a deciduous shrub growing 5 to 10 m (16 to 33 ft) tall and up to 4.5 m (15 ft) wide. The dwarf pomegranate variety grows to 1 m (3.2 ft) high, and can be grown in pots, even indoors. Once established, the pomegranate tree can live for many years, over 200 years, producing fruits in the first 10-15 years only.

The pomegranate glossy leaves are narrow oblong, 3–7 cm (1.2–2.8 in) long and 2 cm broad. The foliage changes color from red to apple green with the seasons.  The flowers are 3 cm in diameter with flaming orange-red color. It produces large red or orange fruit. How to pollinate pomegranate flowers

Pomegranate Growing Tips

Pomegranate Tree Care- Picture of Pomegranate Tree with Fruits
Pomegranate Tree with Fruits

Growing Pomegranate From Seeds

If you wish to grow pomegranate from seeds at home, you may sow seeds indoors in mid winter. The seedlings will be ready for planting by spring.

Pomegranate Seed Preparation

  1. You can buy the pomegranate seeds  from a garden shop for planting, but best is to use the seeds from a pomegranate fruit.
  2. Scoop out some seeds, remove their pulp and wash them in water. Sow directly in soil. Sow the seeds about ½ to 1 inch deep. The seeds will germinate in a few weeks, which can then be planted in soil.
  3. You may germinate pomegranate seeds in paper towel before planting the seeds in soil to speed up germination. To germinate the seeds, enclose them in a wet paper towel and put inside a zip-lock bag and keep in shade.
  4. Seeds sown in soil will germinate in about a month. Cover the soil with an aluminium foil to raise the soil temperature to speed up sprouting.
  5. Dry the seeds for a few days for storing.

Pomegranate Seeds Germinated in a Paper Towel
Pomegranate Seeds Germinated
in a Paper Towel

Planting Pomegranate Seedling

Whether you have grown pomegranate seedling from a seed or by rooting a cutting (How to grow pomegranate from cutting) Plant the seedling in the pot or ground at the same depth level it was planted in the seedling pot. Do not plant your trees too deeply.

When To Plant

The pomegranate seedling can be planted at any time of the year. Plant the seedling or sow seed or seedling in full sun.

The pomegranate grows best in well drained nutrition rich soil of pH 5.5 to 7.0. Mix cow manure, compost, river sand in the garden soil or potting mix.

Pomegranate Benefits

Pomegranate is a good source of vitamins A, C and E, iron and other antioxidants and fiber. The pomegranate peel contains three times more antioxidant properties than its pulp.  Pomegranate has many health benefits in heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation and some cancers, including prostate cancer. Keeping pomegranate's dried peels in mouth and sucking its juice can help relieve dry cough.

How to propagate pomegranate YouTube video

How to grow pomegranate from seed video

How to make pomegranate bonsai video
How to Grow Pomegranate in water
How to grow pomegranate from cutting in Hindi
How to grow pomegranate tree in a container
How to pollinate pomegranate flowers
How to germinate pomegranate seeds in paper towel
Video on Pomegranate fruits on tree propagated from cuttings
How to differentiate between pomegranate male and female flowers video


1. A Morphological and Histological Characterization of Bisexual and Male Flower Types in Pomegranate, Hazel Y. Wetzstein, Nadav Ravid and Erik Wilkins and Adriana Pinheiro Martinelli, Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Vol. 136 no. 2, 83-92, March 2011.